Enjoy A Girls Night Out!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Two Cents July 9, 2009

OK so this is just my little blog today and I think I'm just going to vent. With any business there are times where you feel under appreciated........
Right now I am just not really feeling the love, as a full time makeup artist I do this for two reasons.....one for the love of makeup and art and two to make a living at this. I mean duh I do this full time I am not a part time MUA I don't have another job this is it. But for the life of me there will always be those people who really get under my skin with there thinking that I am suppose to just give away my talent! Like I don't want to sound bitchy but I'm sure that there will be enough of you out there who think that this is bitchy so oh well!
Models really need to understand that there is a lot that goes into the makings of a great photograph, like there are any out there who just pic up a camera and call themselves photographers but there are very few that can produce a stunning photograph. There's hair, wardrobe, makeup, props, electric and sooo much more so why would you ever think that any of this would be free!! I would just really like for people to understand that I do this for love and money, as a full timer I am not going to undercut myself just because some wannabe diva thinks she should get my services for free. I believe that my work speaks for itself and I am well worth the money....

So that is my little vent for the day.....

I am really thinking that I may make My Two Cents a part of my blog permanently