Enjoy A Girls Night Out!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


OK fashionista's and makeup addicts alike it's update time!!
So as you know your girl Bi(Bee) has been working her tail off to bring you the very best in hair and makeup.
So first* currently I have been working with some of the most talented photographers here in Philly building up my portfolio and not to mention my client base. So all those looking to build up there port or just looking for photos just for themselves be sure to hit me up.
Second* the Just B Brush line is on it's way! I have chosen the style and also a set of basic brushes that every woman needs in her makeup bag/kit. They are stylish, sleek and oh so affordable. Not only that they are fully customize so you will never have to wonder if someone is taking your brush.....stay tuned that first brush will hit this blog first!!
Third* not only is my new brush line hitting the net in a week but I have also decided to branch out into the makeup game myself. As a makeup artist you know it is oh so hard finding that right shade or the perfect fit in your kit, but it goes beyond that. I want an affordable line that my private clients can enjoy also not just makeup artist. So first I am just starting with the lips and build up from there. It may seem strange that my newest lip product will be a limited edition gloss but it's still a must have!!
**Lastly my laptop crashed so I am working off of this old desktop so I am hoping that I will have everything back up and running next week so stay tuned for another video!!
So for now those are my updates............Until next time
B Bold....
B Sassy....
B Beautiful.....