Brides can be some of the most difficult clients to deal with BUT weddings are also the most extrodinary special day in a woman's life so consider yourself lucky to be apart of it.
*First off customer service is key, always make sure to call your clients promtly and answer each and every question full and clearly. Many times you will be booked months in advance so you may have to deal with the wedding planner, bridemaids etc. so having excellent customer service skills will help you along very much.
*Be sure to have your rates of service laid out and ready to give to a potential client. This is important because you want to be knowledgeable about YOUR business and not scramble for pricing when asked. Perhaps a brochure would be in order, sites like Vista Print have all these things and more for reasonable rates. Think of how professional you will be handing over a brochure and business card. A surefire way to book that client!!
*Make sure your kit is well stocked and ready, this means that maybe you have to create another kit just for your bridal business. When your clients are paying hundreds of dollars to look flawless on your special day I think another kit is in order. This may consist of airbrush makeup and perhaps a higher end cosmetic like MUFE HD foundation so the skin looks flawless in photos. As always make sure you have plenty of disposables, clean brushes and sponges etc. And always have a neutral pallette at your disposal, you will find that this pallette will become your best friend during bridal season!
*Consultation is key!!! Every bride wants to have a perfect wedding day so makeing sure every detail is taken care of is key to a successful service. Make sure you schedule the consultation at least 2 weeks prior to the actual wedding date and offer to coordinate with the hairstylist (if any) so the look is as complete as possible. Be sure to note all products used and create a face chart if you can, this will ensure that the look is exactly as you planned.
*Invest in a good invoicing system, even if you make up an invoice yourself you always want to put your professional foot forward when dealing with brides. Invoicing and followup is key, you may have 3 to 4 weddings booked per weekend during prime wedding season so having good organized paperwork will help you in your business. Try making up folders for each of your brides and put all paperwork pertaining to them in there this is a great help to me, even include any receipts for any expenses and of course your contract. NEVER take a client without having your contract ready.
*Make sure you dress the part!!! This is very important, in this business your looks are key, you are hired to make others look good so it's so very important that you look good yourself. Make sure you don't use too much perfume and as silly as it may seem make sure to brush your teeth!! You are face to face with an entire bridal party. Remember the photographer may even be there taking preparation photos so you always want to look your best.
So not that you have my few tips for surviving Bridal Season, get out there and promote yourself!!! You can't do weddings if noone knows you! Make it a point to frequent networking parties and talk yourself up, you'd be surprise how many people may need your services not only for bridal but for other special occassions!! Until next time...........
B Bold
B Sexy
B Beautiful!!!!