Enjoy A Girls Night Out!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mini Lipgloss Drama

I don't know about the rest of the MUA's out there but this wedding season I find myself with a bit of a problem this wedding season. Most recently I have increased my pricing just a tad to not only cover the rising cost of living but also so I can provide a little gift to all my brides and the bridal party also. So here is my problem not enough companies put out reasonably priced lip glosses and the ones that do put out mini's seem to always have them in a set and I may only need one or two shades out of that particular set. So what's a MUA to do.....take the bull by the horns and make my own lip glosses and glazes. I mean why not it would allow me to give my clients a gift without breaking the bank not to mention I would be the deciding factor on what goes in my own product. So I am going to document my little journey and let you all know how this turns out..wish me luck!!! Until next time B Beautiful everyone