Enjoy A Girls Night Out!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

LipStick Organization!!!

Yeah!!!!! My first step to organization begins with my lipsticks, so I was at Walmart a few days ago and I decided to take a look at there craft section. What do I find the 24 bin case that is really for beads but I saw it as a chance to stop carring around this load of lipsticks that I have in my kit. The case was $6.79 and well worth every penny so much so that I am going to purchase about 3 more so I can do the rest of my lipsticks and hvae empites for all the lip glaze that I am makeing at home.
I decided to crush my lipsticks into each bin and just noted the name on top (didn't have any stickers) it's very lightweight and easy to carry. If you only need 1 or 2 lipsticks then just take the little pot out and put it in your case. I am actually going to see how they stand up with a liquid in the pot and you never know my dream of having all palettes in my kit just might come true sooner than I thought!!!!
Check out theses pics!

Each Lipstick has it's own individual pot
Having crushed the product makes it easier for me to scoop it using a disposable spatula

All nice and pretty!!! An inexpensive organization fix...until next time B Beautiful